Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is what 48 looks like—at least in my pic (I'm doing a "Mad Men"). There are many things about me that haven’t changed over the years: I still have the fat, chipmunk cheeks, the freakishly large eyes, and stringy hair. A few things have changed: the hair is getting thinner, I have more than one chin, a belly paunch, and so much of my skin’s pigment has receded that sunscreen is a necessity now. But ya know what, it happens to the best of us.

What’s more important now is what you can’t see – what I’ve learned. There’s always folks that are better off, and worse off, than me; I’ll never be the smartest one in the room, nor the dumbest. Don’t get too attached to material things, for you could lose them. A New York minute can change everything.

I have friends who say that every day above ground is a good one. I don’t agree. It is the quality of your days, not the quantity, that matters; any life lived well is long enough. If you can look at yourself in the mirror, and find some reason to smile, then you’re worth something. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but God doesn’t make mistakes. He did it right, my only obligation to Him is a return on investment.

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